Rent Freeze Now!

Make unlimited rent increases illegal. 

Labor’s rental crisis is breaking people. Their policies are making the rental crisis worse. 

Under Labor, rents can go up by any amount – and if you can’t afford it, you get kicked out. Renters are already struggling, and many are just one more rent increase away from being homeless. 

There is no reason why Labor can’t freeze rents, they’re just choosing not to. As long as unlimited rent increases are legal, more renters will be pushed into housing stress and homelessness.

The Greens have a plan to make homes affordable and available. The government can make renting affordable with a 2-year rent freeze, and capping further increases.

We can push the government to:

  • Freeze rents
  • Cap further rent increases
  • Properly regulate Airbnbs to make more long term rentals available
  • Save and build more public housing 

The Greens are the only party for renters. 

We know the anxiety that comes with every lease renewal. We know what it feels like to be hit with a rent increase and be forced to make sacrifices at the supermarket or risk moving out to look for a more affordable place. 

We’re not giving up and we’re not going away. The renters’ uprising has only just begun.

Join us to tell the government to freeze rents and make renting fair.

With a huge number of signatures, we can show the government that Victorian renters are demanding fair and affordable housing. 

Rent Freeze Now!


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