Build Public Housing and Make Housing Affordable.

Our housing system needs an overhaul.

We’re in the middle of a housing crisis, with rents skyrocketing and more and more people locked out of ever owning a home. 

Meanwhile, the Labor Government is giving big property developers tax breaks and special deals, handing them huge profits instead of making sure everyone can have an affordable home. 

More than 100,000 Victorians are waiting for public housing, and thousands more are living in insecure and unaffordable homes. It’s time to think differently.

Just like we invest in health and education, we can invest in the housing system to make housing affordable. The Greens’ plan is to:

  • Build 100,000 new public homes over the next decade
    to clear the public housing waitlist, give thousands of people a secure home, and take pressure off the rest of the market.
  • Keep public land in public hands
    to stop Labor’s demolition of public housing, funnelling profits to private developers.
  • Make developers set aside 30% of all new large developments for affordable homes for first home buyers
    to stop first-home buyers getting out-bid by cashed-up investors.
  • Limit rent increases to once every 24 months, with a 2% cap
    to protect people from being priced out of their homes.
  • Introduce a public and affordable housing levy
    to capture profits from large developments, funding the construction of thousands of new affordable homes.

The Greens were instrumental in ensuring there was a moratorium on evictions and a ban on rent increases in Victoria during 2020, making life a little bit easier for many renters during that difficult time. We have consistently held the government to account for its under-investment in public housing and its poor treatment of public housing tenants.

Our offices have helped thousands of public housing tenants and renters and over the years to exercise their rights.

We won’t stop fighting for the Victorians that Labor’s plan has failed, those struggling to pay the rent or buy a house, stuck on waitlists, or homeless.

✍️ Add your name to the campaign and, together, we can protect public homes.

Build Public Housing and Make Housing Affordable.


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