Aiv Puglielli
Greens MP for North-East Metro

What matters to you?

As your local MP, I’m fighting for you and the issues you care about. Please tell me what matters to you most, so I can be your voice in state Parliament.


Don’t see your issues here? Tell me what else matters to you.

Aiv Puglielli
Greens MP for North-East Metro

What matters to you?

As our local MP, I’m fighting for our community. Please tell me what matters to you most, so I can be your voice in state Parliament.


Don’t see your issues here? Tell me what else matters to you.

Hi, I’m Aiv. I'm a renter, an artist, and your representative in the Victorian Parliament.


What I’m fighting for

Follow Aiv

Labor trying to raise age restrictions on social media is like a fish trying to swim on land.

It won`t work. You can`t out-tech a teen.

Instead, we need to invest in social media education and improve social media literacy for both children and their parents.

Education, not prohibition. You can`t teach a child to swim without letting them in the water.

The right to peacefully protest is fundamental to all healthy democracies.

Excessive use of police violence including use of pepper spray, rubber bullets and whips is NOT an indicator of democracy.

Everyone should be able to peacefully protest without fear of police violence.

That`s why the Greens are calling for an independent inquiry into police tactics and use of force at the Land Forces Protest.

The Land Forces Expo will take place in Melbourne this week.

This expo will display dangerous weapons of war in our peaceful city.

The Labor Government will go to any lengths to ensure this expo goes ahead, including suspending parts of the Control of Weapons Act. Despite widespread social outcry and peaceful protests.

I guess I`m just left wondering why the Labor Government is going to such lengths for an expo that no one wants here in our peaceful city?

I`m so proud to have been a part of Students for Palestine`s rally on Tuesday at Monash University which called for the university to disclose and divest from weapons companies.

Over 450 students got down to vote and show their support for Palestine.

Keep using your voices to push for peace and advocate for what`s right.

The LGBTQIA+ community deserve better than whatever the heck this all is. ...

People are fed up with the supermarkets ripping us off, but there are things the Labor government could do to help, including implementing the Greens policy to declare food as essential. Watch me talk about it on the Today Show. ...

I asked Coles and Woolies reps what you can buy from their supermarkets for under $10 these days.

Turns out, not a lot.

Pretty bleak.

Coles and Woolworths are reporting billions of profits for yet another year, meanwhile people are struggling to afford food. That is why this week the Greens first read our Supermarket Industry Bill. To put a stop to price gouging. ...

23 year old Mano Yogalingam took his own life via immolation yesterday after 12 years of suffering and uncertainty at the hands of the Australian Government.

The Government must urgently review its unfair `Fast Track` policy.

People are dying. People are in pain.

This can`t go on.

Our thoughts are with his family, friends and community.

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26 Jun 2024

Tips to submit to the Victorian Inquiry into Food Security

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North East Link and Ecosystems

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22 May 2024

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As the youngest MP in the new parliament, it is important to me that young people have a seat at the table, speaking up for ourselves, and for generations yet to come.



I never set out to be a member of parliament. Then I found out what it means to have a government tell you that you don’t matter.

In 2020, I was an artist and composer fresh out of university. Then, the pandemic hit, and many of my colleagues were pushed directly into housing stress. With no access to JobKeeper payments, it seemed like the government had left thousands of us behind.

Meanwhile, huge corporations got billions in handouts.

That’s when I realised that politics needed to change.