Aiv's Story

I never set out to be a member of parliament. But when the arts sector shut down overnight due to the pandemic, I found out what it means to have a government tell you that you don’t matter.

Hi, I'm Aiv. I'm a renter, an artist, and your representative in the Victorian Parliament.

Since 2022, I’ve represented the North-East Metro region in Victoria’s upper house, as a member of the Victorian Greens. 

I’m here because my generation is dealing with a bunch of crises: a cooked climate, a housing crisis, and a gap between the rich and the poor that’s only growing wider. Unless we make some serious, systemic changes, these crises will only get worse. 

Together, in the community and in parliament, we can take on these issues and change Victoria for the better.

I’m pushing for Victoria to get off coal and gas, and protect workers in the process. I’m pushing for a mass build of public housing, and limits on rent increases. I’m pushing for a tax on super-wealthy corporations, who make billions in profit while ordinary people struggle to afford food.

As the youngest MP in the new parliament, it is important to me that young people have a seat at the table, speaking up for ourselves, and for generations yet to come.

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As a queer person, I know what it’s like to have my rights, my way of life, on public trial.

I grew up in Eltham. I went to a public high school, and studied music and theatre at university.

In 2017, I witnessed the public debate around LGBTIQA+ rights during the Marriage Equality Plebiscite. 6 years on, we still have so far to go, especially in protecting trans and gender-diverse people, who face persecution from the media and the far-right. 

In 2019, I saw students take to the streets during the School Strike for Climate movement. Their organisation was awe-inspiring, and yet our governments are still approving coal and gas projects, and we’re on course for disastrous levels of global heating.

Unless we fundamentally change the way politics works, we will see more of the same. We need politicians who are not beholden to big corporations. We need to stand up and fight for our future.

Sounds pretty good, right?

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