No More Coal and Gas in Victoria.

Coal and gas are the leading cause of the climate crisis.

Let’s replace coal and gas with 100% renewable energy in Victoria. 

Not only does Labor have no plan to transition away from coal, they’re still throwing their support behind more than a dozen new coal and gas projects in Victoria. 

You can’t put a fire out when you’re pouring petrol on it. The Greens in Victoria are pushing Labor to stop supporting new fossil fuel projects and fast-track a transition out of coal and gas while supporting workers and communities.

We have an extremely comprehensive plan to transform Victoria’s energy systems. Here are just a few of our policies, you can read the full plan here.

  • Getting Off Coal and Gas:
    • An immediate ban on any new coal, oil and gas projects, including gas drilling in Victoria’s oceans.
    • Reducing Victoria’s greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2035 or sooner.
    • Ensure the orderly phase-out of Victoria’s remaining coal plants by 2030, and a guaranteed job for all Victoria’s coal and gas workers.
    • A plan to get 1 million Victoria homes off gas and a ban on connecting new homes to the gas network.
    • Create and fund a Latrobe Valley Authority, to support the transition and revival of the region. Protect people in the Latrobe Valley with tough new Coal Pollution standards. End land tax exemptions for mines in the Latrobe Valley.
  • A Big Build of Renewable Energy and Storage:
    • Increasing Victoria’s legislated renewable energy target to 100% by 2030.
    • Investing $10 billion to build new renewable energy, including publicly-owned renewable energy for the benefit of all Victorians.
    • Legislating a 3 gigawatt target for building offshore wind by 2030, and allocating funding to the Latrobe Valley Authority to develop Victoria’s offshore wind workforce.
    • Facilitating more large-scale storage of renewable energy – including pumped hydro and big batteries, and expanding neighbourhood batteries and local micro-grids.
    • Establishing Power Victoria, a new agency to bring our power system back into public hands and ensure it’s run for the public good, not private profit. Establish a budget neutral public energy retailer to provide cost-price electricity to all Victorians, and prioritise the return of energy infrastructure (‘poles and wires’) to public hands.
  • A sampling of further measures to tackle the Climate Crisis:
    • More frequent and high quality public transport services.
    • Power our public transport network and our cars with clean renewable energy and power our homes with batteries on wheels (electric vehicles).
    • A $1 billion per year, Zero Extinction Fund to protect and restore our degraded forests, grasslands, rivers and wetlands to store carbon and ensure no more species go extinct in Victoria.
    • Centre First Nations people in decision making about caring for Country on public land.
    • Expand funding for Victoria’s SES to respond to increasing climate disasters, via a comprehensive investigation of funding and capability.
    • Ban all donations from fossil fuels companies to political parties and candidates at state, federal and local government level.
    • Stop the subsidies to big coal, oil and gas corporations.


No More Coal and Gas in Victoria.


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