Make The Big Banks Pay Their Fair Share

GREENS CALL ON NEW TREASURER TO BACK BIG BANK LEVY BILL AS RECORD PROFITS RECORDED The Victorian Greens will first read a new Bill that would introduce a 0.05% levy on the big banks to generate $16.5 billion in revenue over the next decade which the Greens say could be invested into direct cost of […]
Let Doggies be Doggies

PINGERS SQUAD WANT “DOGGIES TO JUST BE DOGGIES” The Victorian Greens, the Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis Victoria have called on the Victorian government to end the use of police sniffer dogs as the summer festival season approaches, raising the issue via procedural questioning during Question Time in the Victorian Upper House. Greens MP […]
Pill Testing And Sniffer Dogs Don’t Mix

PREMIER MUST CALL OFF THE DOGS AS FIRST FESTIVAL WITH PILL TESTING ANNOUNCED The Victorian Greens have called on the Premier to ensure that police sniffer dog squads are not present during the summer festival season, as it’s announced that Beyond the Valley will be the first festival with life-saving pill testing services. The Police […]
Duopoly Sized Hole In Food Security Report.

Food security report calls for reforms but supermarket accountability intentionally blocked by Labor & Liberals. The report from the inquiry into food security in Victoria has been tabled today but the Greens say there is a duopoly sized hole in the report’s recommendations. Labor and the Liberals have teamed up to omit recommendations to address […]
Hydromorphone Trial Can’t Replace Second Injecting Room

Hydromorphone trial a smokescreen to distract from Labor’s outrageous decision to axe second injecting room. The Victorian Greens have called Labor’s recently announced hydromorphone trial a dangerous smokescreen, distracting from their decision to reject expert health advice and axe a second safe injecting room. Earlier this week Labor announced it wouldn’t establish a second safe […]
Rejecting a Safe Injecting Room Will Cost Lives.

Labor’s safe injecting room decision a ‘spineless captain’s call that will cost lives. The Victorian Greens have called Labor’s decision to reject a second medically supervised injecting room (MSIR) in the CBD a ‘spineless captain’s call’ that will cost countless lives. The Greens say it will leave people who are struggling with heroin addiction to […]
Report Advises Second Safe Injecting Room Needed.

Labor must heed report advice and establish second safe injecting room in Melbourne. The Victorian Greens have said people using injectable drugs will continue to die while Labor refuses to act on a report into a second safe injecting room in the CBD. While Labor has been sitting on Ken Lay’s report into a second […]
Coronial Report Recommends Pill Testing.

Coronial recommendations for pill testing increase pressure on new Premier. The Victorian Greens have said the new Premier can no longer ignore the mounting pressure in favour of pill testing, following the release of new coronial recommendations. Overnight two Victorian coroners released new recommendations that the Victorian Labor Government trial a pill testing service, following […]
Tragic Overdose Could’ve Been Avoided By Pill Testing

Tragic overdose death could have been prevented had pill testing been implemented The Victorian Greens have said the tragic death of a festival-goer over the weekend could have been prevented had the Victorian Labor Government implemented pill testing. The Greens say that while untested pills masquerading as party drugs like MDMA continue to circulate in […]
Upper House Begins Debate On Pill Testing Bill

The Victorian Greens have renewed their calls on the Victorian Labor Government to introduce pill testing, saying the evidence on pill testing has been clear for years. Earlier today, the Upper House began debating the Greens’ historic joint bill with the Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis Victoria. The Pill Testing Pilot for Drug Harm Reduction […]