23 Apr 2024

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The Victorian Greens have called Labor’s decision to reject a second medically supervised injecting room (MSIR) in the CBD a ‘spineless captain’s call’ that will cost countless lives.

The Greens say it will leave people who are struggling with heroin addiction to die on the streets of Melbourne, and the local community and families to deal with the consequences.

After sitting on expert advice that recommended establishing a second MSIR for almost a year, Labor today indicated it has no plans to establish more safe injecting facilities in Victoria.

It seems under Premier Allan, Labor is back-tracking on any progressive reforms introduced under Daniel Andrews and that this government won’t act unless their feet are held to fire.

Victorian Greens drug harm reduction spokesperson, Aiv Puglielli, said it was a gutless decision by the new Premier that was in no way supported by expert advice.

He said it would be a tragedy if it took more and more people dying from nitazene and fentanyl overdoses for the State Labor Government to act.

The Greens have previously called on the government to establish more MSIRs in places where there are increases in drug use, overdoses and deaths – including in Melbourne, Dandenong, St Kilda, and Geelong.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Greens drug harm reduction spokesperson, Aiv Puglielli MLC:

“The new Premier’s refusal to open a Melbourne injecting room is gutless and will leave countless Victorians vulnerable. 

“Many lives will be lost following this spineless captain’s call.

“Labor, get a grip – injecting rooms and drug checking saves lives.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Greens Member for Melbourne, Ellen Sandell MP:

“This is cowardly from Labor. It leaves people who are struggling with heroin addiction to die on the streets of Melbourne, and the local community and families having to deal with the consequences because the Labor State Government won’t do anything to help.

“Labor under Jacinta Allan seems to be back-tracking on any progressive reforms introduced under Daniel Andrews.

“First we have dozens of people arrested for peacefully smoking a joint in a park in Melbourne, and now Labor decides that people struggling with heroin addiction can die out in the open on the streets without any support.

“I don’t know why Labor persists with their failed drug policies that do not work.”

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