Fund Maroondah Positive Education Network

The Maroondah Positive Education Network enhances the wellbeing and educational outcomes of students across 30 schools in the area. Victoria’s Royal Commission into mental health services identified this program as a select example of mental health programs in education. It was specifically commended and recommended for continuation and scaling up by the commission. So why […]
North East Link NDAs

People in North East Melbourne have been forced to sign more than 7000 non-disclosure agreements in exchange for compensation for damages caused by the construction of the North East Link. The Labor Government and their contractors should not be trying to cover up the extensive damage caused by the construction of the ludicrously expensive North […]
Eastern Suburbs Creek Parkland

A parks corridor in the North East metro area would create a vibrant network of parks, home to abundant flora, fauna and Aboriginal cultural heritage. It would connect multiple creeks and green wedges, wetlands, floodplains and flora and fauna corridors to reinvigorate nature in the North East metro region, bringing many benefits that come from […]
School Buildings Aren’t Legos

School buildings shouldn’t be constructed like lego bricks. Stacking demountables on top of one another as a ‘temporary solution’ instead of actually investing in quality classrooms will not improve our state’s schools or meet the education needs of our community. School buildings shouldn’t be constructed like lego bricks. Stacking demountables on top of one another […]
Development of Ivanhoe Water Tank Site Needs to Benefit Community

The Ivanhoe Water Tank site is a prime location of government owned land with beautiful green space and mature red gums. The Labor government is currently planning to build 275 new homes on the site. We need to make sure these will be social, affordable and genuinely servicing the local community, not just property investors. […]
Residents Could be Exposed to Dangerous Silica Dust

Silica dust is a harmful pollutant that can cause severe lung damage and diseases like cancer and silicosis. The Australian Cancer Council demolition work and road construction as a common area where exposure to silica dust occurs. As the Victorian Government completes widening works on the Eastern freeway, dismantling noise and dust pollution walls residents […]
500+ People From Eltham Have Asked For This!

Over 500 members of the Eltham community have asked for a safe pedestrian crossing at Coolabah Reserve. The crossing would connect the Eltham North Adventure Playground with the local primary school. This crossing will be essential to keep the community safe and connected with essential services and facilities. Over 500 members of the Eltham community […]
41 Less Public Homes in Bell Bardia Estate

Labor’s plan for the Bell Bardia Estate in Heidelberg West involves reducing the number of public and community homes by 41. They have demolished 94 existing public homes and are only rebuilding 53 community homes, leaving the rest to the private market. In this time of intense housing stress, and long waiting lists to access […]
Labor Should Support West Heidelberg Community Hub

Asking the important questions to the Minister for Housing to make sure residents in the West Heidelberg area get the most out of community development. In particular, future and existing social housing tenants in the area would greatly benefit from a community hub offering a range of support services. The existence of multiple current and […]
North East Link Pollution Cause for Compensation

Month on month residents of the North East Metropolitan Region have raised their concerns about the impact the behemoth North East Link construction project will have on our local air quality, wetlands and mature trees. Community concerns have included the loss of thousands of mature trees, the decimation of wetlands and the reduced air quality […]