Pill Testing Sites Announced!

Following the success of the BTV festival pill testing trial over the new years period, the Victorian Government has finally announced the remaining four sites where drug checking will be available this festival season. According to Victoria’s pill testing provider The Loop Australia 700 festival goers who attended BTV Festival used the service and 40% […]

Let Doggies be Doggies

PINGERS SQUAD WANT “DOGGIES TO JUST BE DOGGIES” The Victorian Greens, the Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis Victoria have called on the Victorian government to end the use of police sniffer dogs as the summer festival season approaches, raising the issue via procedural questioning during Question Time in the Victorian Upper House. Greens MP […]

Pill Testing And Sniffer Dogs Don’t Mix

PREMIER MUST CALL OFF THE DOGS AS FIRST FESTIVAL WITH PILL TESTING ANNOUNCED The Victorian Greens have called on the Premier to ensure that police sniffer dog squads are not present during the summer festival season, as it’s announced that Beyond the Valley will be the first festival with life-saving pill testing services. The Police […]

We made pill testing law!

This bill accepts the reality that people use drugs, and that young people will experiment with them.

Coronial Report Recommends Pill Testing.

Coronial recommendations for pill testing increase pressure on new Premier. The Victorian Greens have said the new Premier can no longer ignore the mounting pressure in favour of pill testing, following the release of new coronial recommendations. Overnight two Victorian coroners released new recommendations that the Victorian Labor Government trial a pill testing service, following […]

Tragic Overdose Could’ve Been Avoided By Pill Testing

Tragic overdose death could have been prevented had pill testing been implemented The Victorian Greens have said the tragic death of a festival-goer over the weekend could have been prevented had the Victorian Labor Government implemented pill testing. The Greens say that while untested pills masquerading as party drugs like MDMA continue to circulate in […]

Upper House Begins Debate On Pill Testing Bill

The Victorian Greens have renewed their calls on the Victorian Labor Government to introduce pill testing, saying the evidence on pill testing has been clear for years. Earlier today, the Upper House began debating the Greens’ historic joint bill with the Animal Justice Party and Legalise Cannabis Victoria. The Pill Testing Pilot for Drug Harm Reduction […]

Study Finds Pill Testing Helps Prevent Festival Deaths

The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Labor Government is looking more desperate by the day as the Premier continues to ignore the mounting evidence in favour of pill testing. A new study published in the International Journal of Drug Policy has found that more than 60 music festival drug-related deaths in Australia over 20 […]

Labor Gambling With Lives by Denying Pill Testing.

Labor playing Russian Roulette with young Victorian lives by refusing to adopt pill testing. The Victorian Greens have said the Victorian Labor Government needs to stop ignoring expert health advice and introduce pill testing as a matter of urgency, to help keep young people safer.  This follows reports of several hospitalisations yesterday at Juicy Fest […]

Premier Allan’s Comments On Pill Testing ‘Cowardly’

The Victorian Greens have called Premier Allan’s comments on pill testing cowardly, and say without it young people will continue to be at greater risk of overdose or drug-related death. Over the weekend eight people were sent to hospital in a critical condition following a suspected drug overdose at the Hardmission Festival in Flemington. In […]