Put People Before Profit & Tax the Big Banks.

The Greens will make sure the Big Four banks are paying their fair share.

Our plan to tax the big banks in Victoria would raise over $16.5 billion over the coming decade. 

These funds will be spent on funding our policies like 50c public transport fares, building more public housing and getting dental and mental health into Medicare.

Australia’s Big Four banks are making billions of dollars every quarter and are walking away from local communities and betraying their customers.

Over the last 5 years over half of Australia’s ATMs have been shut down and a third of physical bank branches.

Home loan interest rates are also at historic highs, forcing many people trying to pay their mortgage into housing stress.

Over $200,000 of an average 30 year mortgage goes straight into the pockets of the big four banks.

People are struggling to keep their head above water because wages have flatlined and the exploitative big corporations just keep raising their prices. 

The Greens want to improve the standard of living for Victorians with more affordable housing, genuinely free healthcare and public transport.

And we’ll pay for it by making big corporations pay their fair share of tax.

The Greens’ plan to stop the Big Four banks ripping people off and abandoning communities:

  • Tax the big banks in Victoria and raise over $16.5 billion over the coming decade.
  • Stop banks from profiting off people accessing their own money through ATM and other fees.

Put People Before Profit & Tax the Big Banks.


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